Attracting Love






For me, it is so hard to trust someone when they say they love me. It should be so natural, love. I sought it out so much the past five years and maybe all my life. I guess when you have been hurt so much, it is hard to trust in  that four letter infamous word. We have to be open to receive love and not just from the opposite sex. We need to believe love is out there and it can still find us without some hidden agenda. When we have lost love we often go astray. We may find ourselves in a mission to self destruct.How can we attract love to us?








*Be what you want- If you want a loving, happy person then be that person




*Let go of past hurts, if you have an ex or a friend that has hurt you send them loving thoughts and ask the universe to heal them) They did not know how to love you because they didn’t know love themselves, they did not love themselves enough to love you.




*Focus on the positive- Instead of saying “No one wants me say, I am a great person people love me.”




*Understand-Love should not bring great pain, it tries to bring joy




*Be hopeful




*Wish- Write down your wishes what you would like to find in a mate or in a friend.




* Be in a constant state of love and know even if a mate comes along they can not “complete you and fill the Void.”




*Be greatful- Be greatful of what you have now




*Don’t forget to Pray for what you want, wish for what you want




*Don’t look at someone as if “If we were in love what could it do for me?” Think about love as making this other person happy also, love them without expecting a lot.




*Realize that love is selfless




*Mediate-quiet your mind and breathe




*Imagine being held and cradled in a bright, warm light when you feel alone.




*Help others




*Say I love you and mean it












*a good article








I found


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